Thursday 29 September 2011

Poem Theft

The Ballpark

The bat cracks, as clean as the break

of a ripe limb from a douglas fir.

Under the lights, the arc of the ball in flight

decorates the night sky.

Shamrock green grass, freshly cut,

leaving lines as sharp as a checkerboard.

This is a lawn. Precise. It stands

as erect and proud as a four-star general saluting

his heroic men and women with a tear in his eye.

The stadium itself, attractive

as a one-hundred-year-old Cathedral in a city where the white money is


For these majestic parks are not limited to just baseball.

Grandmothers are happy here.

They become newborn children who never left their crafted rooms.

Here they can see the most perfectly painted

clear blue ceiling.

Oh, what's the score you say?

Ask grandma, she'll probably know.

But baseball is the last thing on my mind.

The   park

          as clean as the break

a  limb from a douglas fir.

Under the the acre

the night sky.

Shamrock green grass  

This is a lawn. Precise. It stands


as a one-hundred-year-old city


For these majestic parks

happy here.

 the most perfectly painted

clear blue ceiling.

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