Wednesday 26 October 2011

News Article

Mail keeps getting lost: House Number Flip linked to mail loss!

There have been several cases in the greater Toronto area of letters getting lost in the mail.  These complaints however, have all come from the same person.  The complaints started coming to police headquarters in downtown Toronto about 4 weeks ago.  Police first disregarded these complaints claiming that the missing letters were probably just held up due to a recent hurricane.  The man, who shall remain anonymous, went to police headquarters after several weeks of not receiving his mail.  He demanded that the police due something.  Police began to grow suspicious about the missing post and told the man they would investigate.  After weeks of contacting the post office, police were unable to find any reason why his mail was getting lost.  They sent him a letter apologizing for not being of more assistance. 

Days later an off duty police officer noticed a pile of letters piling up on a porch of a house across the street.  Police executed a raid on the house not knowing what to expect.  When they stormed the house they discovered the house was vacant and all of the man’s missing mail was piled on the porch and on the other side of the door.  While police were bagging the mail for evidence the man emerged from the adjacent house.  He was ecstatic to learn that his mail had been found.  Police examined the house numbers and discovered the vacant house' number ‘9’ had flipped during the recent storm changing it into a number ‘6’.  They found the man’s house number was ‘9’.  When questioned why his house said ‘9’ as well, he said he saw the adjacent house said ‘6’ so he changed his to ‘9’  so the post carriers would not get confused by two of the same numbers.  A repair man was called to fix both house numbers.                       

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